Saturday, November 17, 2018

*H* is for Home ► The Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers

Welcome to another fun challenge at our Sisterhood of Snarky Stampers Challenge Blog.

Our theme this time:

 *H* is for Home 


With all that's going on at our house at the moment, two sick kitten, a situation that worries me to pieces, I had no idea how to get my snarky side out. 

Please bear with me, I promise to be the old sarcastic foulmouthed bitch again pretty soon.

The beautiful mood board our Sistah Lee has provided ....

Happy weekend and as always "happy crafting" ♥


  1. This is great, Majo! Looking forward to your foulmouthed alter-ego when she returns, Jo x

  2. Hope your kitties get well soon! I have a sick kitty on my lap as we speak. He's my lover boy. I think you've managed a lovely modicum of snark considering. Fabulous work! xxD

  3. I'm very sorry about all that's going on in your life right now Majo. Hope the kitties feel better, and that you get to embrace your snarky bitchiness again soon! (You know that was said with love!) Your little house is all kinds of fabulous! Love it!

  4. I think this is an amazing little piece of creativity! Gentle hugs to your furballs.

  5. Indeed... a wonderful sentence. I give you a smile. It’s a lovely Artwork. Get well - Wish you Majo, an especially your kitten all the best.

  6. LOL for someone who is supposedly "snarkless" this piece "old sarcastic foulmouthed bitch" made me laugh.
    So sorry that your kitties are having such a rough go, our furbabies being unwell is so stressful!!
    Sending love and hugs to you and to the kitties!

  7. We still love you when you're not being foulmouthed! Hope you've managed today's smile already, I know it can be difficult.

  8. Nochmal gute Besserung für die Katzen. Für mich ist dein Beitrag das snarky enough ;-)
    LG Martina
