Thursday, June 7, 2012

The *Gourmet Kitten*

I just had to laugh so hard about my cat cleaning out the container ...  

It is really hard for her to fit her head in ....
When she is done she always has cheese up to her ears ;)


  1. How sweet. When one of my cats was a kitten, he would eat yogurt every night with dad. He got some on the lid for himself then would lick the container clean. It's funny watching them stick their head way in the container.

  2. Das ist ja sooo niedlich!
    Nach diesem köstlichen Mahl war ganz bestimmt ausgiebiges Putzen nötig.

  3. We had a dog that licked out the bowl when we went out for ice cream. His face would smell sweet for days after that.

  4. Ach die Bilder Majo! Wie süß! Könntest deine Katze ruhig Werbung machen lassen, sieht so aus als ob sie Saint Agur richtig gut mag ;-) LG, Ira

  5. Those pictures are so funny. What an adorable cat!

  6. How cute! Where there is a will there is a way! Lucky likes to try to eat our ice cream when we have it. :)
