Wednesday, December 4, 2013

*Paintwork* at MOO MANIA ...

The team leader has announced that after nearly 2 years and 50 fantastic MOO sized challenges to open the MOO MANIA to MORE art! 

From now on we invite you to join us also with other formats. You can link all sorts of projects like ATCs, Inchies, Tags, Cards, Art Journal Pages and even 3 dimensional artwork according to our themes. 

We hope to find more participants - more art and more fun! 

Of course you can share your Moo Art with us further on!
 This time we want you to show us "PAINTING UTENSILS" on your artwork!

I have decided long time ago that a MOO for me is a MOO and no other size. I can easily work on the small space of 2,7 x 7,1 cm (1.1 x 2.8"), can't you? This is fun and this is the real challenge!

My entry for the theme ....


  1. Ein herrlich buntes Moochen, liebe Majo.

  2. ein tolles Teilchen liebe Majo! Danke!

  3. So schön, diese bunten Farben! Und dein Countdown ist ja wirklich der Hammer liebe Majo! Hast du ja spitze gemacht!! Hoffe es geht dir gut? Wünsche dir eine weiter gute Besserung! GLG, Ira
    Ira’s Crea Corner

  4. So schön bunt und natürlich mit dem perfekten Spruch versehen!
    Toll, liebe Majo!
    LG Martina
