Friday, May 3, 2013

400 more ideas for handmade cards .......


5 of my creations made it into the "CATCH UP ISSUE #17" from Stampers' Sampler .... I can hardly breathe.

When I received my copies over the last year and not all of my entries were published, I sometimes felt a bit sad; I had completely forgotten that the magazine has this additional issue once a year.

The editor, Andrea Rangno says about this: "When a card is simply too good to pass up, but can't be in another magazine, it feels so nice to know that it will get a chance to shine here!"

The title of the former Catch Up Issue is now *400 MORE IDEAS for handmade cards*

Here are my published creations ..... (Sorry about the quality of the last picture "Special memory", I had forgotten to take a pic, this is directly from the magzine.



  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Majo!
    LG Martina

  2. Gratuliere liebe Majo!!! Kein Wunder daß du total begeistert bist, bin ich ja auch!! (aber logisch ist es ja denn deine Werke sehen mehr als hervorragend aus!!) LG, Ira
