Thursday, January 17, 2013

Name the colour .......

.... in your title.

One of our challenges at MSW for January!

It might seem a bit minimalistic, but that was my intention, I wanted it "simple"! It's the first page for my 2013 album with special events and let me tell you, painting the house was not only a special event, but an adventure! ;)


  1. Das sieht ja sehr gemütlich aus! Ein wunderbares LO, liebe Majo.
    LG Martina

  2. Oh I am so behind commenting Majo, aber hier bin ich endlich! Sieht ja behaglich aus, kann mir so vorstellen dass du stolz bist! LG und genieße das Wochenende! LG, Ira

  3. Simple is good , love your work

  4. Your living room looks beautiful; looking at the picture it looks bright with a lot of daylight coming through the windows. Enjoy now that you finshed the job!
